Student Focus

The SAC Experience with Julia Teichroeb

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Welcome New and Returning Students!

My name is Julia Teichroeb and I am your Students’ Association Board President. I have been with the Students’ Association for two terms as an executive member and I am happy to be serving as your President for this academic year.

Let’s start with some basics.

What is the Students’ Association?

The Students’ Association is a not-for-profit organization run for students by students. It is a separate entity from the College, however, we do work in partnership as much as possible.

The SA exists solely to better the life of ACC students.

What does the SA do?

The SA offers services to students, such as the domestic health and dental plan and the international health plan, events, clubs, student discount programs (Paw Pass), city bus passes, and much more!

For a full list of our services visit

Who pays for the services?

You do! Student fees collected by the college are passed on to the SA which are used to provide services to ACC students.

A yearly budget can be found at should you have further questions, all Students’ Association Council meetings are open to students, and we encourage inquiries.

Now that you understand the SA better, you may be wondering,

How do I get involved?

Great question!

There are many ways to get involved at the Students Association.

Students’ Association Council: If you are looking for a way to enhance your college learned skillset with a fun and rewarding experience then the SAC is for you.

We have positions from approximately 10 hours a month as a Student Representative to approximately 10 hours a week as a Student Executive. To find out more about the SAC you can visit or continue reading below.

Clubs: You can start a new student club, or join an existing one.

Committees: You can join a council Committee.

Volunteering: We are always looking for volunteers for our events and welcome any help. To get involved email our Vice President Engagement at

Employment: Starting Fall 2022 we will have limited part-time student staff positions available at the SA. Keep an eye out on our social media for postings.

SAC Update

This year we have many big things planned for ACC students. From our NEW international health plan, to the long list of events across all campuses!

Some of our larger events will be the Orientation BBQ: September 6th 12pm-1pm, the Be Queer BINGO & Social: October 14th, the Wellness Fair: February 2023, and the ACCSA Gala: April 2023.

For a full list of events, please see our events calendar at

Over the last four months the SAC and Staff have been working hard to better the services at the ACCSA, create new services, and improve the functionality of the internal governance of the SAC.

The Vice President Governance has been working hard to create internal policies and by-laws to support the governance and training of the SAC.

The Vice President Diversity & Inclusion has been working hard on an inclusion calendar, something she hopes to make everyone feel safe and at home here at ACC.

The Vice President Engagement has been working diligently to recreate our clubs program, moving our entire process digital. They have also been working alongside the entire team to plan events for the academic year.

We are excited to see everyone in September, and look forward to the upcoming academic year!

For further information about elections or general questions please contact or for general inquiries

Don’t forget to follow us on social media for the most up-to-date information!

Instagram: @accsamb  Facebook: @ACCStudentsAssociation