Student Focus

ACCSA Award Winners 2021-22

Monday, May 2, 2022

Congratulations to this year’s ACCSA Award Winners:

The ACC Students’ Association presents 5 awards annually, including the Pat Josephson Memorial Award, three (3) ACCSA Leadership Award’s, and the ACCSA & Houston’s Student Life Award.

We’re happy to announce this years award winners!

Nathanial Bridges receives the Pat Josephson Memorial Award, Presented by Matthew May, Executive Director ACCSA

Nathanial Bridges, Pat Josephson Memorial Award

Nathanial Bridges, Land & Water Management graduating student, is the recipient of ACCSA’s most prestigious award, the Pat Josephson Memorial Award.

The award was presented by Matthew May, Executive Director, ACCSA, during the Year End Gala at the Clarion on April 28.

This award hosts a value of $3000, and was open to graduating and bridging students. Bridges received this award in recognition of his demonstrated academic achievement by earning a minimum of 3.0 GPA, and for demonstrated significant college involvement and leadership.

Bridges is a graduating Land and Water Management student that has been highly involved in the Students’ Association for nearly two years. Starting off as the ACCSA Agriculture & Environment Representative in 2020-2021, he worked with administration within the school of Agriculture to highlight student issues with scheduling and worked to find short term solutions for students. Shortly thereafter, Nathan was elected to the Vice President of Governance Role, which he held from May until November when the position of President opened. Nathan ran for this opportunity and won by a single vote, and he worked hard since at the ACCSA on many important projects. First and foremost, Bridges facilitated a strategic review of the organizations Mission and Vision, and with the help of his Council and staff developed a long-term strategic plan for the organization, the first of its kind at the ACCSA. Nathan has also led various student consultations and sought feedback on topics like the College Foundations Course, the upcoming Crossroads Renovation at the Victoria East Campus, and COVID-19 pandemic measures at ACC. The work that Nathan has done over the last two years has set up the ACCSA for future success, and similarly we look forward to seeing where Nathan takes these experiences in his career.

Alexis Cinq-Mars receives an ACCSA Leadership Award, presented by Matthew May, Executive Director, ACCSA

Alexis Cinq-Mars, ACCSA Leadership Awards 

Alexis Cinq-Mars, Social Service Worker graduating student, received one of three (3) ACCSA Leadership Awards.

The award was presented by Matthew May, Executive Director, ACCSA, during the Year End Gala at the Clarion on April 28.

This award holds a value of $1000, and was open to graduating and bridging students to apply. Cinq-Mars received this award by demonstrating expectational student leadership throughout her time at the college.

Cinq-Mars has an extensive history of involvement at ACC. She has served in various roles across the College, such as the ACCSA Health & Human Services Representative in 2020-2021, an Indigenous Peer Mentor, and the first-ever ACCSA Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion in 2021-2022. She has been a vocal advocate for all students, working towards opportunities for indigenous, international, and LGBT students, as well as raising awareness across Assiniboine about several important issues such as Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. As a full time student with several children, Cinq-Mars strived to balance the many responsibilities of her personal and professional life, and her work will live on at Assiniboine. 

Julia Teichroeb receives the ACCSA Leadership Award, presented by Matthew May, Executive Director, ACCSA.

Julia Teichroeb, ACCSA Leadership Award

Julia Teichroeb, Business student – bridging, received one of three (3) ACCSA Leadership Awards.

The award was presented by Matthew May, Executive Director, ACCSA, during the Year End Gala at the Clarion on April 28.

This award holds a value of $1000, and was open to graduating and bridging students to apply. Teichroeb received this award by demonstrating expectational student leadership throughout her time at the college.

Teichroeb started being involved right away at Assiniboine by successfully running for the Business Representative position on the ACC Students’ Association Council. Shortly afterwards, the position of VP Governance opened up and she successfully ran for this position in November. In the short time here at Assiniboine, she has revitalized the Students’ Associations approach to governance, and worked to pave the way for several great initiatives to come forward in the future. Teichroeb was also a peer tutor, and worked to assist her fellow students to be successful in their studies. Finally, Teichroeb starts her position as ACCSA President next week for the 2022-2023 term, so we look forward to seeing what else she accomplishes next year. 

Other Award Recipients Include:

Additionally, two award recipients whom were unable to attend the Year End Celebration include Hannah Yuen (ACCSA Leadership Award), and Megan Beswitherick (ACCSA & Houstons Leadership Award). 

Hannah Yuen, ACCSA Leadership Award 

Yuen received one of three (3) ACCSA Leadership Awards. This award holds a value of $1000, and was open to graduating and bridging students to apply. Yuen received this award by demonstrating expectational student leadership throughout her time at the college.

Yuen is a graduating Social Service Worker student that has been an exceptional addition to the ACC Cougars Soccer Team. From Hannah’s first day at the College, she stepped into a leadership role in her class to recruit several students in her program to the soccer team at ACC, providing them with a great experience during their time at Assiniboine. In Yuen’s final year she became the captain of her team and knew that COVID would have a negative impact on the sports at ACC, so she strived to create an experience for all athletes in spite of the pandemic. She was also able to work with first year soccer players in her Social Service Worker program to tutor them to make sure they could manage the rigors of being a full time student and an athlete. We look forward to seeing her successes after her college experience at ACC. 

Megan Beswitherick, ACCSA & Houston’s Student Life Award

Beswitherick received the ACCSA & Houston’s Student Life Award of $1000, which was open to bridging students. Beswitherick was award this honour for her demonstrated college involvement.

Beswitherick is a first-year student in the Business Administration Diploma program and has already exemplified student engagement during her time here at ACC. She is highly involved on many ACC Cougars Teams and sports, including the Soccer, Hockey, and Futsal teams. Megan describes her schedule balancing school and three sports team as hectic, but it hasn’t stopped her from maintaining an incredible GPA, and it has provided her the opportunity to meet many students from outside of her program. On top of this, she also takes time out of her schedule to tutor fellow students, as well as volunteer for score-keeping with younger hockey teams and fundraising for the Cougars. We look forward to seeing what next year brings for Beswitherick as she continues in her diploma program.

Congratulations to all of our 2021-22 ACCSA Award recipients! 

To learn more about the awards, see our Scholarships & Awards Page.