Student Focus

Advocacy Services at the ACCSA

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

It is important to the Assiniboine Community College Students Association (ACCSA) that students are aware of and understand the advocacy service that are available to you. The ACCSA provides advocacy services to all current students and those who have been students within the last 12 months. Alyshia Kelbert, who is the ACCSA Student Development Coordinator, also plays the role as our student advocate. Our advocate works with students who may find themselves in trouble with the college by assisting them to understand their rights and responsibilities, the rules and procedures, and the college policies. The advocate will confidentially advise students on any concerns, complaints, or inquiries that they may have while navigating their college experience.

Advocacy Services

Part of our role as the Student Advocate is to act as an advisor in all levels of academic appeals, to be familiar with and follow college policies to properly advise students, and to conduct research and investigation into matters pertaining to student concerns. During an appeal process our door is open to provide information and advice to students on the preparation and presentation of an appeal. We encourage you to consult with a Student Advocate at for more information as soon a concern arises.

An Appeal

An appeal is the process that allows students the opportunity to contest/challenge an academic or disciplinary decision made by the college. All appeals are time sensitive, and it is recommended that you connect with the student advocate as soon as a concern arises.

Process to Appeal

Students have the right to appeal the following (but not limited to): disciplinary decisions and consequences, grades, academic suspension, and other decisions that impact on a student’s continuation in their program of studies.

There are different appeal processes when you are appealing the following:

  1. Mandatory eight-month suspension based on weighted grade point average (WGPA).
  2. All other academic and disciplinary appeals.


Academic and Disciplinary Appeals.

If the student is wishing to appeal a concern such as a failing grade, miscalculated grade, deduction of a grade, or others, the following process is what should be followed.

  • Step One: You first want to try to discuss the concern with your instructor. Try to do this within 1 day if possible.
  • Step Two: If speaking with your instructor was not successful, it is highly recommended that you reach out to the student advocate for assistance with the rest of the process. You can do so by completing the following form: Confidentially Agreement or by emailing Alyshia Kelbert at
  • Step Three: In the event that there is no resolution with the instructor, then your next step is to contact the Chair of your program (if you are unsure who that is, your student advocate can assist you).
  • Step Four: If the consultation with your Chair was unsuccessful, the next step is to have a discussion with the Dean/Director. This step should take place within 3 working days after the start of the next course and is considered a pre appeal.
  • Step Five: If the consultation with your Dean/Director was not successful either, the final step is to file a Formal Appeal with the Appeals Committee (there is a fee for a formal appeal). This should be done within 2 working days of receiving the Dean’s decision

Appealing a Mandatory Eight-Month Academic Suspension

  • If the student has been placed on an eight-month (two-term) suspension, they may appeal the decision if one of the following circumstances has been identified:
    • Program Change: The student would like to enter another program requiring different academic background, experience, or skills.
    • Program Restart: The student wishes to be allowed to register and re-take courses in the first term(s) of the program for purposes of raising his/her cumulative weighted grade point average.
    • Compassionate Grounds: The student wishes to be reinstated in his or her current program. Reinstatement will be granted only if there were extraordinary circumstances (e.g. death, physical or mental illness, family problems) in the student’s life that resulted in poor performance, and there is evidence that the problems have been resolved and the student has a realistic chance of success.
  • If the student wishes to appeal the suspension based on compassionate grounds, if the student wishes to enter another program in the same school, or if the student wishes to restart the program, the first step in the appeal process is to have a Pre-Appeal Consultation with the Dean/Director of the school.
  • If the student is applying to enter a program in a different school, then the student should proceed directly to the formal appeal process.


Important to Remember for any type of appeal being made:

  • Where the decision being appealed impacts on immediate continuation in a program, notice in writing must be submitted to the Dean/Director no later than three college working days after the start of the subsequent course(s).
  • Where the decision does not impact on immediate continuation, the student will be granted up to 21 calendar days after receiving the initial grade or other decision to notify the Dean/Director in writing.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to follow these deadlines.


 Qualities of a Successful Appeal Request/Description 

  • Demonstrates an understanding of what went wrong
  • Takes responsibility for academic failures
  • Outlines a clear plan for future academic success
  • Conveys points honestly


Making a strong Appeal 

  • Use the Attachment A form found in the A01 policy to organize your thoughts on the details of your case.
    • Give an answer to all four questions on the appeal form
    • state the date decision or grade was received
    • the decision you are appealing
    • provide an explanation as to why you feel a review of the decision is warranted
    • state the specific remedy you are wishing to appeal
  • Give a detailed explanation of your situation. Keep the situation objective so that you can prove why you deserve your desired outcome with specific examples relating to your appeal
  • Give more than one desired outcome. Doing this can prove helpful in finding a resolution.
  • It helps to attach additional information/documentation to your appeal, for example emails. Anything you include must be given all together at the same time in order to be looked at.


For more information on advocacy see our Advocacy & Awareness page.

For a look at all the Assiniboine Community College Policies, you can find them HERE.

– Written by Alyshia Kelbert, Student Development Coordinator, ACC Students’ Association