WHOLE Wellness Committee


Join Zoom Meeting https://assiniboine.zoom.us/j/96388502193?pwd=amhGV2FJQ3FONU05WVRkNFFaczI2UT09 Meeting ID: 963 8850 2193 Passcode: 551080 One tap mobile +16473744685,,96388502193# Canada +16475580588,,96388502193# Canada Teams Files: https://assiniboine.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/Wellness/EjAWLZuR2sRFgQatIIyeMl8B-5Z7LbV76Ily5G1Fhw0INw?e=MV57pe Terms of Reference: https://assiniboine.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/Wellness/Shared%20Documents/General/Terms%20of%20Reference.docx?d=w6b1f57304f144330bfa4874450cdce6b&csf=1&web=1&e=TXrKsG

Workshop: Plan for Resilience for staff at any campus or site

Participants will be able to: recognize their responses to stress, apply healthier responses, recognize and explore stressors, apply 4 As for dealing with stressors. To register, email saurettem@assiniboine.net. Join Zoom Meeting https://assiniboine.zoom.us/j/92003963359?pwd=ODd3TFBPL2JwQ3BiSlYvdC8yQnUrUT09 Meeting ID: 920 0396 3359 Passcode: 222420

Workshop: From Surviving to Thriving for students from any campus or site

Participants will be able to: recognize their responses to stress, apply healthier responses, recognize and explore stressors, apply 4 As for dealing with stressors. To register, email saurettem@assiniboine.net. Join Zoom Meeting https://assiniboine.zoom.us/j/94850767317?pwd=elcxSm1zYWhUWjJoSFRERjR1NzVtUT09Meeting ID: 948 5076 7317 Passcode: 426574

Chill on the Hill 2.0 for students at NH campuses

Mazer Main Street, Len Evans Building, North Hill Campus

We recognize that being a student involves navigating numerous challenges. Therefore, we’ve created a space for students to learn about the various resources available on and off campus for assistance and support. Student Success Advisors and external supports will be in attendance to share valuable information. For more information, contact Mireille Saurette, Wellness Advisor, at […]

Blue Monday Coffee at various campuses (Fill You Cup event)

Free coffee and Bell Let's Talk Tuque and/or ACCSA reusable mug give away - Victoria Avenue East Cafeteria Free coffee and Bell Let's Talk Tuque and/or ACCSA reusable mug give away - Len Evans Centre for Trades and Technology Cafeteria Free coffee at Parkland, Winnipeg, Southport and Morden campuses (tentative)

Tai chi (Fill You Cup event)

Sunshine Hallway, Victoria Avenue East campus (at the end of the 400s rooms between entrances I and J)

Join Herb Mahoot for Tai Chi in Sunshine Hallway (at the end of the 400s rooms between entrances I and J) for students and staff at Victoria Avenue East.

Workshop: From Surviving to Thriving (Fill Your Cup event)


From Surviving to Thriving for any student from any campus or site. Join for a chance to win one of two $50.00 gift cards to Co-op for groceries. Workshop to build resilience and develop a plan for managing stress facilitated by Mireille Saurette. Participants will be able to: recognize their responses to stress, apply healthier […]

BU Medical Clinic for ACC students in Brandon (Fill Your Cup event)

BU Medical Clinic for students in Brandon - Scheduled appointments - Brandon University, Knowles Douglas Student Union Centre, Lower Level Confidential Services Offered (but not limited to): Medical prescriptions Birth control, pap tests, prenatal care, pregnancy tests, Confidential LGBT and trans health services Partnership with accessibility services STI testing, chlamydia and gonorrhea treatments Referrals With […]

Wellness Fair (Fill Your Cup event)

Crossroads at the Victoria Avenue East campus.

Wellness Fair (come and go event) promoting self-care, and building connections through support. Discover ways to rejuvenate your mental, emotional, and physical health through community resources available to Assiniboine students at the Victoria Avenue East campus.

BU Medical Clinic for ACC students in Brandon (Fill Your Cup event)

BU Medical Clinic for ACC students in Brandon - Walk-in - Brandon University, Knowles Douglas Student Union Centre, Lower Level. Confidential Services Offered (but not limited to): Medical prescriptions Birth control, pap tests, prenatal care, pregnancy tests, Confidential LGBT and trans health services Partnership with accessibility services STI testing, chlamydia and gonorrhea treatments Referrals With […]